Listening and downloading songs from Note Block World

by Bentroen
Note Block World was made for note block musicians to easily share and discover new music they like. Our goal is to provide a platform where note block songs can be shared as openly as possible, to allow everyone to enjoy them, learn from them and foster creativity in the community!
One of the main features of Note Block World is the ability to listen to and download songs created by the community. When you find a song you like, you can download it to listen to it in Minecraft or edit it in Note Block Studio. This guide will walk you through the process of downloading songs from Note Block World, so you can enjoy your favorite music wherever you go!
Listening to songs
As Note Block World is still in an early phase, we don't offer a built-in player yet. In order to listen to a song, you'll need to download it and open it in Note Block Studio. (We're working on adding a player to the website so you can listen to any song directly on your browser! Stay tuned to our blog for updates.)
In the meantime, here's how you can listen to songs from Note Block World:
Find a song you like: Browse the home page to discover featured and recent songs.
Head to the song's page: Click anywhere on the song's card to view its details. Here, you'll find more information about the song, such as the title, description, author, tags, and more.
Open the song in Note Block Studio: We have made a handy button that will automagically launch Note Block Studio and open the song for you! Make sure you have at least version 3.11 of Note Block Studio installed on your computer, and click the Open in NBS button in the song's page.
You should see a prompt asking you to open the file with Note Block Studio. Confirm you want to launch it to load the song in Note Block Studio.
Once the song is downloaded in Note Block Studio, you can listen to it as much as you want!
Downloading songs
If you'd like to explore a song further than just listening to it, or even remix it or use it in your own projects, you can download it to your computer and open it in Note Block Studio's editing mode. It's as easy as clicking the Download button on the song's page!
Keep in mind that some songs may be available under different licenses, which may restrict how you can use them in different ways. Whenever you download a song from Note Block World, make sure to check the song's page for more information about its license, and always credit the author when using their songs in your own projects!
In the following section we'll provide a more comprehensive guide on the licenses available in Note Block World, as well as more information about how to properly credit authors when using their songs.
How to properly credit authors when using their songs
When you download a song from Note Block World, it's important to credit the author if you use their song in your own projects. This helps the original creator get proper recognition for their work and lets others know where the song came from.
Songs uploaded to Note Block World may be available under either of the following licenses:
Standard License: The author licenses the song only to Note Block World so we can distribute and show it to users on the website. You can listen to the song and use it for personal purposes, but you are not allowed to use it in projects that you intend to distribute or sell - you need to get permission from the author to use it for these purposes.
Creative Commons Share-Alike: A Creative Commons license allows you to freely use the song in your projects (even commercially), as well as make adaptations and remixes of the song, as long as you credit the author and share your work under the same license. For more information on Creative Commons licenses, check out the Creative Commons website.
Make sure to check the song's page for more information about the license it's available under!
Whenever you use a song from Note Block World in your projects, make sure to credit the author by including their name and a link to the song's page on Note Block World. This ensures the author is properly acknowledged for their work and helps others discover their music!
Still need help? Reach out to us!