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How to upload a song to Note Block World

by Bentroen

This guide will walk you through the process of uploading a song to Note Block World! Whether you're uploading an original composition, a cover of a song, or a remix, we've got you covered. By the end of this guide, you'll know how to upload a song, and how to make it stand out to attract more listeners!

How to upload a song

  1. If you haven't signed in yet, head to the home page and click the "Sign in" button. Choose your favorite service to sign in with!

  2. Once you're signed in, click the "Upload" button in the top right corner of the page.

  3. Drag and drop your song file into the upload area, or click the upload area to select a file from your computer.

    Tip: You can only upload songs in the .nbs format. If you have a song in a different format (such as a MIDI file), you can convert it to .nbs using Note Block Studio.

    Tip: The maximum file size for a song is 3 MB, although you're unlikely to reach this limit with most songs!

  4. Fill in the song's title, description, and other metadata.

    Tip: Pay close attention to our Community Guidelines when uploading a song!

  5. Pick a license for your song. You can choose between the Standard License and a Creative Commons Share-Alike License. For more information on the licenses available, check out our guide on downloading songs.

  6. If you've used custom instruments in your song, make sure to pick a sound file for each custom instrument you've used.

  7. Click the "Upload" button to upload your song!

Congratulations! Your song is now live on Note Block World! You can share it with your friends and followers, and start building a community around your music.

For more tips on how to make the best use of the upload settings, check out our upcoming guide on uploading a compelling song!

Still need help? Reach out to us!